So far, I’ve chosen my Pullips based on their outfits mainly, but this time I had a very specific idea in mind – I wanted a Minnie Mouse doll! I don’t know where this idea came from, I’ve always loved Minnie. In fact, we’re kind of BFFs.

I decided Pullip Snow White would be a great doll for Minnie, with her black hair and red lips. I love her!
Her faceup is so pretty and her eyeshadow even has a little glimmer to it. Her dress is so so pretty! It’s super sparkly and detailed! I love the lace. I was SUPER depressed about her wig though, it fell out everywhere and did not behave at all. I plan on re-wigging her as soon as possible.
I found out through intense internet research that Chinese Kuhrn dolls have clothes that fit Pullip and there are a TON of Minnie clothes!!!! I died.
So of COURSE I had to get the bed first (look at those adorable jammies!):
So now I’m sitting twiddling my thumbs until I can get my lovely Minnie clothes, but in the meanwhile I got a Minnie Barbie at Walmart and stole her clothes:
I love her! I found the Minnie ears at Walmart as well in the party section. I can’t wait to get her new wig and make her a room and go crazy…sigh. I am quite addicted now I think.