TheHollycopter’s 50K Contest – Happy Natural Time

In celebration of hitting 50,000+ subscribers on my Youtube, I am hosting a contest and giveaway!

I had everyone vote on my Facebook page, and almost everyone chose a Woodland theme for this contest. I really love woodland themes, and especially the Happy Natural Time Rilakkuma series. It has deer, owls, really pretty imagery and it was the inspiration for this contest.

For the contest, you will choose a woodland creature. This can be a real animal like a squirrel, rabbit, deer, etc. or it can be something fictional like a fairy or unicorn or centaur as long as their home is in the woods. You will then create the creature and their home. Think of what cozy little nook this creature lives in, how they would decorate it and what furniture they would have. What is their favorite food? You must include at least three items in your house, and at least one piece of furniture. You can use any materials you want, be creative. Everything must be made by you. You can only enter one time, so make it a good one!

See my Pinterest board for woodland inspiration.


– Create the home of a woodland creature (real or fiction) and the creature that lives inside

– Include at least 3 food items and at least 1 piece of furniture

– You can use any materials you want, everything made by you



– Be subbed to my channel

– 18+ or have parents permission

– International



– Make a video of your entry (the creature, it’s home, at least 3 food items and at least 1 furniture item)

– Use the best quality camera you can and as good of lighting as you can

– Name your video “TheHollycopter’s 50K Contest”

– Post the link to your video in the comments on this video


You are not required to send your entry, but you can 🙂



First Place Contest Prize:

– Happy Natural Time Rilakkuma Re-ment (all 8 sets)

– Rilakkuma Deer Plush

– 2 Rilakkuma Sticker Sheets

– 1 Rilakkuma Sticker flake sack

– 2 large memo pads

– 1 mini memo pads

– 2 lettersets

– 1 plastic folder

– 5 DIY Candy Kits (Waffle Kit, Gummyland, Hamburger Set, Donut Set, Takoyaki Set)


To enter the giveaway portion, all you need to do is comment on the blog post and tell me your favorite woodland creature.



Giveaway Prize:

– 1 Happy Natural Time Re-ment (blind box)

– 1 Sticker flake sack

– 1 mini memo pad



148 Replies to “TheHollycopter’s 50K Contest – Happy Natural Time”

  1. My favorite woodland creatures are deer. I’m obsessed with them. They’re so cute.

  2. My favorite woodland creature has to be a fox. They are sleek and cunning creatures.

  3. Thanks for the giveaway ^_^ My favorite woodland creature would have to be either a bear or an alpaca. 🙂

  4. My favourite woodland creatures is porcupine because there so cute , happy early birthday holly:):):):):):)!!!!!!

  5. My favorite woodland creature is absolutely 100% the deer. It’s cliché, but come on. They are absolutely cute, and when they are babies, them trying to walk is adorable.

  6. My favorite woodland creature is the deer because they are sooooo adorable

  7. My favorite woodland creatures are foxes! If we can be unrealistic, I would say fairies haha.

  8. That is really nice for you to make a huge giveaway like this! Congrats on 50k. And my favorite woodland animal is rabbit . Because it’s adorable and chubby (=w=)

  9. My favorite woodland creature has got to be the fawn because they are so graceful and adorable!

  10. Hi! I think that my favorite woodland creature is a fox. Fantasy-wise: a fairy, haha. : )

  11. My favorite woodland animal is the hedgehog they are so cute. I really like deer too even if they ate half my flowers.

  12. Such an amazing giveaway! Thank you so much. My favorite woodland creature is fairies. They are majestic and beautiful

  13. My favorite woodland creature would have to be a fawn because they are so majestic and adorable!

  14. My favorite woodland creatures are fairies :3 and in real life I like bunnies they are just super adorable (• u • )/

  15. My fav woodland creature has to be a baby owl they are so adorable and cute ! – austrliakawaiimelboure btw thank you for having this giveaway :3

  16. My favorite woodland creature is the mocking bird because it can mimic other birds calls.

  17. I’d have to say my favorite woodland creature is a fox. Their so elusive and smart! Their rare to see and I always feel so special when I actually get to see one 😉

  18. I love owl (tawny owl) <3 theyre so cute and i love the eeriness of owls :))

  19. My favorite woodland creature is a fairy, because they’re small and cute *-*

  20. My favorite woodland creature has to be a rabbit/bunny. They are so cute:)

  21. My favourite woodland creature is an owl, because they are the cutest!

  22. mine is bunnies such cute animals plus i got to say my bunny cinnabon would be mad if i don’t !!! 🙂

  23. My favorite woodland creature is squierrls (i don’t know how to write it) and i also love bunnies they are so cute ❤️

  24. I love mice! They have been my favourite animal since I was very young 🙂

  25. my favorite woodland creature is a fox|^|.|^| there soooo fluffy xd(.)^(.)

  26. I love all of them really, but for my top three it would be a bunny, owl, and fairies.

  27. My favorite woodland creature would be elves..Congrats on 50k, you totally deserved it! 🙂

  28. My favorite woodland creature is bunnies they are so cute❤️

  29. My favorite woodland creature would be racoon or bear of course <3

  30. My favourite woodland creature is the robin, the bird with red chest, I love it ♡

  31. My favourite woodland creature is a squirrel because they are so cute fat, and fluffy! ❤️

  32. My favorite woodland creature is bunnies they are so cute and lovely <3

  33. My favorite woodland creature would probably bunnies. My favorite cartoon bunny would be from Sanrio, My Melody! So cute and quite remarkable.

  34. My favourite woodland creature would be owls, specially baby owls, those big eyes and the amazing colors of their feathers!

  35. My favorite woodland creature has always been a wolf. I also love fawn, elk, and rabbits. Oh, it’s always hard to choose! 🙂 Congrats on the 50k!

  36. My fav woodland creature is a deer because of bambi i luv bambi and also because of their spots tail face and long legs

  37. My favourite woodland creatures are chipmunks they are so cute and adorable:3 <3

  38. Hi!!!!!

    My favorite woodland creature are rabbits, because they are really fluffy and adorable

  39. My favorite woodland creature is probably a deer:) Thank you for the give away!

  40. My favorite wood lamd creature would be a bunny rabbit because of there flawless fur and the beautiful and amazing eyes that pop out in day and night and there just adorable animals

  41. my favourite wwodland creature has to be a hedgehog i just love there little noses 🙂

  42. i like wallabies because because they are a close cousin of the kangaroo and because a wallaby is a usual woodland creature in australia

  43. My favorite woodland creature is a fairy because they are so tiny and have magical powers

  44. My favourite woodland creature is dear!! 😀 Like a Bambi! He’s so cute lol :3

  45. My favorite woodland creature would have to be a fawn.Because it just looks so harmless and peaceful.Also the name just sounds so elegant as well. But i mostly love fawns because its so graceful. Also they’re just so adorable! >w<

  46. My favorite woodland creature is a raccoon.My favorite unrealistic woodland creature is a fairy or unicorn

  47. My favorite woodland creature would be deer or bunnies! they’re very cute ahhhh <3

  48. My favorite woodland creature would have to be a pine marten. I love ferrets too and they are like ferrets and they look sort of like a cross between a fox and a cat and I love that about them.

  49. first off congratulations on hitting 50k suscribers~ my favorite woodland creature is a nymph. Even though they are considered mythology it’s still one of the most beautiful creatures that I particularly love.

  50. My favorite woodland creature is most probably a raccoon ^^ All of the animals are soo adorable it’s hard to pick just one!

  51. Fawn or a deer definitely!If I had to chose for a fictional,it would be a unicorn or the horse-like creature in Snow White and The Huntsman♡

  52. Congratulation on 50k watchers, that is a heck of a lot. lol you could build an army!
    My favorite woodland creature is a squirrel.

  53. My favorite woodland creature has to Maleficent because she’s not just a villain but a hero too and she’s a fairy !!!

  54. My fav woodland creature has to be a squirell because theyre so cute and vicious at the same time :3

  55. My most favorite woodland creature would have to be a unicorn, Pegasus or a fawn especially Bambi

  56. Congrats on the 50K+ subbies! What an amazing accomplishment! My fav woodland creature would have to be owls 🙂

  57. My favorite woodland creatur is a fawn because they are adorable ♡

  58. mine will be piggy girl in a deer costume while rabbie and mabbie wear a squirl costume

  59. My favourite woodland creature is deer there adorable , thank for the giveaway and happy birthday holly

  60. My favorite woodland creature is an owl. I love love love Owls. Also a porcupine there noses are so cute!

  61. My favorite woodland creature is either a fairy or a little field mouse 🙂

  62. Our favorite woodland creature is our neighbor the red fox and we also love our neighbors the 7 male deer. They all visit our property all the time. Ahh country life!

  63. My favorite woodland creature would of course be a chipmunk :D! They are so cute and adorable! Thank you very much Holly for this contest and giveaway and I hope you have a great birthday! 🙂

  64. My favourite woodland creature would be a deer. My favourite unrealistic creature is a leprechaun or a unicorn <3 🙂

  65. My favourite woodland animal would have to be a squirrel because they are whist so cute and you never know what they can do.

  66. My favorite woodland creature is easily the unicorn because they are graceful, magical, majestical and their poop is rainbow and full of love and glitter. Nothing else poops pretty.

  67. My favorite is the bear because they are such adorable and smart creatures! Certain breeds of bear could even be friendly and harmless to humans!

  68. My favorite woodland creature would be a fox, which is my favorite overall as well. A fictional creature would have to be elves or maybe pixies…(:

  69. my favorite woodland creature is a deer 😀 or if you count this as a woodland creature i’d say a wolf would be my ultimate favorite! i even got to pet a real wolf once (it was tame though obviously) so cute!

  70. My favirote woodland animal is porcupine i love cause they are just so cute!!! And happy birthday holly!!!<3 :3

  71. My favorite woodland creature is probably the porcupine their just sooo adorable!!!

  72. Ilove every woodland creature but if I had to chose my favorite it would be a unicorn or a hedgehog!!!!!<3 (:

  73. My favorite woodland animal is the owl, it’s so cute specially its eyes O,O . ^_^

  74. My favorite type of woodland creature its a bunny because they so cute and i adore them :3

  75. I would have to say my favorite woodland animal is the possum;
    I like how it waddles when it walks and it sleeps upside down. How
    cool is that!

  76. My favorite woodland creature would have to be a bear. They are strong and beautiful creatures. They care for their families too>

  77. My favorite woodland animal would be the possum.
    I like the way it waddles when walks and it sleeps up side

  78. My favorite woodland creature is definitely be a deer! Thank you for this opportunity!

  79. I have had great fun looking at all the entries for your contest.There are some excellent creative ones,i don’t envy you for having to judge..My favorite woodland creature is the deer,they look so majestic standing out in the field,and the fawns with their beautiful white spots are one of the cutest baby animals in creation.

  80. I really like deer, even though I feel kinda silly picking it because a lot of other people already said deer. But they are so pretty, with such a cute little face and big eyes, and they make the most adorable babies.

  81. my favorite woodland creature would have to be a UNICORN!!!! even thought they might not be real i still love them!
    thanks Hollycopter ^^

  82. My favorite woodland creature is a fox because they are just so cute and they make me think of autumn for some reason. <3

  83. My favourite woodland creature is a wolf! I know it might be fierce and scary sometimes, but i believe there is a cute side of it, and that is why i like wolves! 😀

  84. My favorite type of woodland creature its a unicorn, they are magical and baeutiful, I love them (:

  85. My favorite woodland creature is definitely the owl. They look beautiful but are also very strong and ofcourse said to be the wisest. You can also turn them into very cute drawings :3

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