In celebration of hitting 50,000+ subscribers on my Youtube, I am hosting a contest and giveaway!
I had everyone vote on my Facebook page, and almost everyone chose a Woodland theme for this contest. I really love woodland themes, and especially the Happy Natural Time Rilakkuma series. It has deer, owls, really pretty imagery and it was the inspiration for this contest.
For the contest, you will choose a woodland creature. This can be a real animal like a squirrel, rabbit, deer, etc. or it can be something fictional like a fairy or unicorn or centaur as long as their home is in the woods. You will then create the creature and their home. Think of what cozy little nook this creature lives in, how they would decorate it and what furniture they would have. What is their favorite food? You must include at least three items in your house, and at least one piece of furniture. You can use any materials you want, be creative. Everything must be made by you. You can only enter one time, so make it a good one!
See my Pinterest board for woodland inspiration.
– Create the home of a woodland creature (real or fiction) and the creature that lives inside
– Include at least 3 food items and at least 1 piece of furniture
– You can use any materials you want, everything made by you
– Be subbed to my channel
– 18+ or have parents permission
– International
– Make a video of your entry (the creature, it’s home, at least 3 food items and at least 1 furniture item)
– Use the best quality camera you can and as good of lighting as you can
– Name your video “TheHollycopter’s 50K Contest”
– Post the link to your video in the comments on this video
You are not required to send your entry, but you can 🙂

First Place Contest Prize:
– Happy Natural Time Rilakkuma Re-ment (all 8 sets)
– Rilakkuma Deer Plush
– 2 Rilakkuma Sticker Sheets
– 1 Rilakkuma Sticker flake sack
– 2 large memo pads
– 1 mini memo pads
– 2 lettersets
– 1 plastic folder
– 5 DIY Candy Kits (Waffle Kit, Gummyland, Hamburger Set, Donut Set, Takoyaki Set)
To enter the giveaway portion, all you need to do is comment on the blog post and tell me your favorite woodland creature.

Giveaway Prize:
– 1 Happy Natural Time Re-ment (blind box)
– 1 Sticker flake sack
– 1 mini memo pad