Tsum Tsum DIY Miniature Doll House/Room

Hello friends! I haven’t been this excited about a craft in a long time!

I watched Maqaroon’s video on a DIY dollhouse, gasped out loud, and then immediately bought it for myself. IT IS SO CUTE!



This kit is from Banggood and they have so. many. cute. dollhouses. OMG. I want all of them.

The coolest thing about this kit is the working lights! HOW MAGICAL! I almost died when the lights came on for the first time! The kit comes with the little LED lights and the battery pack (two AA batteries not included).


The kit comes with everything you need to build a tiny and adorable doll house.

Since I wanted to make mine themed, though, I bought some extra things like fabric, washi tape, and TEENY TINY stickers. Did I mention how small this kit is? I thought I would be able to use my Pukifee in this house but nope, she is way too giant for this tiny room.


Gluing the furniture together was the most time consuming part, but put on some good music and it’s a great and relaxing craft to do.

I highly enjoyed making all the little pieces and putting it together.


Overall this kit is super fun to do and you can customize it any way you want to which is the best part!

Watch the video I made on this kit:

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