I remember about 3-4 years ago when kennedyscloset (I totally don’t remember how to spell her channel – does it still exist?) made a video showing an elusive and rare Hello Kitty cream puff squishy and I about fell out of my chair! It was the most beautiful thing, and there were only one or two other ones I had heard of that were selling for $200 or more. They fell off the face of the earth but alas…I never forgot them.

They made fake versions of them that I think look no where near the original, though I have heard that they are relatively squishy. They just don’t look nearly as realistic, the drizzle is puny, the bows are funky and there isn’t a strawberry in the cream – and that’s the best part!

THEN, MAGIC! I come to discover they are being reproduced and will have many varieties! HAPPY DAY! I am so so so so so excited and can’t WAIT to get these! I wish I could get all of them, heck maybe I will eventually, they are just so adorable. You can pre-order them (they ship end of January) at Silly Squishies.