My First Pullip doll!

Hello friends! So I had seen Pullips on Flickr before and thought there were really pretty but it wasn’t until I saw a doll collection video on Youtube that I started looking into them more. I saw Pullip Akemi and KNEW I had to get her as my first, it was love at first sight!


 If you don’t know, Pullips are Korean dolls that are ball jointed so they can be placed in many different positions and are super customizable including their hair, eyes, faces, clothes, pretty much everything! There are different styles of dolls in different body sizes and faces, and some I think are kinda depressing looking, but Pullips are so pretty!




This is what I look like most days hahah this picture always makes me happy


(more photos of her on my Flickr)

I love her style, it’s so cute and my two favorite colors, pink and blue! She’s so sweet and I imagine her personality as cute, spunky and silly. I got her at Pullip Style  and she came very quickly, I highly recommend them. She was a bit pricey, she was a gift from the husband for Christmas! I can’t wait to get new clothes and accessories and I’m already eyeing other dolls hehe (can we say obsessed?). There are already a few I’m looking at putting on my wishlist including these:

Pullip Kiyomi
Pullip Romantic Alice
Pullip Alice du Jardin Mint
Pullip Merl


So many cute ones ahhh!!!!! Anyway, I’m super happy with Sophie and I can’t wait to post more about her! Check out the video I made of her:

 And my Flickr set on her. Bye bye!

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